Snarkel Series - Top in Progress

Hat is taking too long too, which shocks me if only because I remember the last hat going really fast. I guess that's what happens when you look at your colors too much...
The idea behind the body of this hat is to use the solid blue and swap it out tapestry-crochet style for the multi-color yarn when it reaches its own blue sections, creating an awesome tye-dye effect in the striping. It gives me more control over the color layout of the hat, so it looks less chaotic and more purposeful as a result. It's a great way to use the multicolor yarn without it screaming "Store-bought yarn!", which can only be a bonus.
The drawback, like I said though, is that it slows me down because I'm still looking at the yarn too much. I'm hoping to finish this, but I
Labels: Lily Sugar and Cream, oh my aching hands, progress report, snarkel, tapestry crochet