This piece took me too long to finish! Well, at least it's done, and it looks gorgeous... but OH was it painful to work on.
Final Yarn Count: Needed a little more black than I'd expected, but nothing beyond the 2 skeins of black I expected (just barely!) Plenty of white left over though.
Pattern Survival: The straps were altered towards the end because I was convinced the closure was off. The straps seem a little too thin now (and they're too short for the boyfriend's use -- oops) but they work.
Frogging Factor: Check your tapestry sheet. I messed up a couple of times on this bag, and had to rip out three rows at one point because the bottom part of the K was too thin. Ouch. Messed up in a few other places as well, but because they were blackspace errors I just left those in.
Comfort Level: Super comfy once finished, so long as the strap size is right.
Do it again? Not without a BIG incentive to do so. Single crochet all the way around for a tube that large? WAY too time intensive. The end result is awesome for sure, but the effort single crochet takes is an easy ticket to crampsville.
Legalese: I have the permission of
WREK Atlanta to make this bag for my own personal use. You don't. Please ask nicely before reproducing the WREK logo, or better yet, make a bag with your own logo on it. :) As a bonus, your logo might be smaller and so you can save your hands some pain anyway.
Labels: completed, oh my aching hands, progress report, Red Heart Soft Yarn, WREK backpack